• Europe,  Israel,  Love,  Middle East,  Philippines,  Travel

    2017 Year-End Thoughts

    As the year comes near to its end, I look back to everything that happened in 2017 and the best memory is my trip to Central Europe and Israel. This reminded me of how it first came as an idea.   Two years ago, I started thinking of travelling to Europe. No concrete plans, no target dates. All I had in mind back then was “one day, I’m going to do it”. I started reading about schengen visa application, reading about train travel in Europe, checking-out hostels, reading blog posts, estimating the budget, and checking fares for flights going to Europe. I learned that there’s a chance to book a…

  • Asia,  Health,  Love,  Philippines,  Relationship,  Sex

    I Got Tested for HIV

    Because of Prince Harry.   I can never wrap my mind around the fact that I have never done it yet. It took seeing a famous person do it before it dawned on me that I had been at risk for a long time already and I should get myself tested.   I turned to Google to search for available options in Metro Manila.  One of the results is LoveYourself. As of this writing, they have two clinics in Metro Manila – one in Mandaluyong City and one in Pasay City.   I took the HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis-B testing in their Pasay clinic. They offer these tests for free.…